Monday, May 11, 2015

Zoysia Seedheads

As you all have most likely noticed over the past two weeks our lovely Zoysia-grass has started to seed out.  These can be seen as a rich dark purple / black look to our fairways and tee boxes.

These seedheads, unfortunately carry a non-viable seed but cause massive chaos to our mowers.  They have close to a wire for a seed-stock that easily dull reels in seconds.  You will see us out many times mowing these with a rotary style mower that is normally used on our roughs to knock and cut these horrendous seed-heads.  Even though these last for a relatively short time (roughly 2-4 weeks) we know that summer is right around the corner and soon our fairways will once again be striped out and prestine looking.

Please be patient with us as these next few weeks our fairways wont look the best but we are in the same boat as every other golf course in the area with Zoysia-grass.