Monday, July 6, 2015

We here at Canyon Farms are a dedicated group, all the way to our lovely golf course dog Gonzo.  Some of you have seen him running or even gotten the chance to meet him, he is one of the nicest and personable dogs I have ever been around.  Gonzo is a rescue dog who is 2.5 years old and is a hybrid Border Collie / lab mix, in short he has an abundance of energy, perfect for his course.  I call it his course because if you see him running in the morning, chasing off pesky geese, rabbits, or this morning our neighboring Hawk population he defends this place with every bit of energy he has.  Typically Gonzo will run all 18 holes, take a swim in our ponds to cool off and will spend the rest of the day sleeping after his 7-10 mile run. 

One of the best advantages we see to owning a course dog here at Canyon is with our reduced geese population.  Since bringing him onto the property in early February we have drastically reduced geese not only flying here, but nesting and creating massive havoc with their lovely droppings all over the course and being a territorial nuisance to you.  We will really notice Gonzo’s impact later this fall and through the winter months as the geese migrate through the area, I think I can speak for all of our golfers and neighbors this is a huge bonus.

So next time you see him running around stop and say hello, he will be more than likely try to get you to pet him as he gives you kisses.

Happy golfing and remember to always repair ball marks and divots.